I'm looking forward to working with you and growing our businesses together.
This referral program has been successfully running since 2012, and in that time we've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't as far as working with the leads that come through the site.
I hope you take these learnings and apply them so that you experience lots of success too!
Connect With Us
Make sure you are subscribed to our email newsletter so you can see what our readers (your potential leads) are seeing. Also be sure to like us on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel as the information we post in those places is often different than what you'll see in the newsletter.
Lead Form Setup
The first thing I'll be doing is creating the lead form(s) that readers will complete to request more information about a particular community or area we've assigned to you.
Once this form is created I'll be sending a test through, so keep an eye out for that.
After we've confirmed that the form is working, if you'd like we can then integrate it with your CRM (in most cases) using a secure connection through Zapier.
First Contact
As the leads begin to flow, it's time to work your magic!
Whether you plan to call, text, or email, “speed to lead” is key.
ALWAYS be sure to reference my name and FloridaforBoomers.com in your first communication.
Here's an example of a first email that seems to work well:
Hi First Name,
Ryan at FloridaforBoomers.com asked me to get in touch with you about [Insert name of community or city]. My name is [Insert Your Name], and I am a Realtor living, working, and playing in [Insert name of community or city].
A few lines about the city or community/amenities/why you like living there/etc…
A few lines about the homes, neighborhoods, and price ranges…
Sign off with an invitation for them to reach out to you with any questions, a note about how you plan to keep in touch with them, etc.
If they specified a home or community type and price range, it would be good to send them a list of homes that meet their criteria.
Your contact info./signature
Of course, use your own words/voice as you see fit.
One of my best-performing referral partners uses a text message like this to get the conversation going:

If you want to get really fancy, you can include a video like Jon who is my partner agent in Lakewood Ranch, FL:
Ongoing Follow Up
99% of the leads you get will not be ready to buy today, so your goal should simply be to send them regular updates (weekly/monthly) about your area or the communities they are interested in and get into conversation with them.
Conversation leads to conversion.
Start by asking questions like:
- What do you like most about Florida?
- What part of Florida do you like the most/least?
- Why are you leaving Anytown, USA?
- What do you want your future home/community to look like?
- When are you coming down to look at homes?
You've probably got a thousand other questions up your sleeve. That's why I brought you on 🙂
Just do what you can to get them talking. You might be one of the only people they know in Florida right now. But if over time they get to know, like and trust you, they'll move mountains to work with you.
Monthly Check In
I'm not here to micromanage you, but I do like to touch base at least once a month just to see how things are going.
If your CRM allows you to export/send any kind of reports, I love seeing the progress! Some agents use an excel/google spreadsheet to keep me updated, and that is fine too: